I disagree,
Yet I agree. You seem to have gone for the Dawn of the dead/ Resident evil zombie backround whic is good in all but, som of the elements your quiz presents are a little off beat. Like why would a katana be in a weapons store? If you said the "baseball bat and shotgun" you would have been more pratical and logical. Also try looking at other sources for your zombie data. The zombie survival guide is a no-brainer, Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency (FVZA) is also a good one. One other thing, don't jus make one answer the only right answer, if you can, make it go into a diffrent series of questions, like on the first question; say I pick "distract the zombies" you can make that go to something like "you distract the zombies by throwing a rock at it, or punching it" so that way people can relate to your quiz better and ultimately get you a better score and a hopfully great quiz.